Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide
Peru Tours

Lima days: El Olivar Park and Pantanos de Villa


Introduction to Lima days:

Given under the heading of Lima Days are a couple of very easy Lima one day trips and our classic the Santa Eulalia and Marcopomacocha 2 day circuit. Some visitors will undoubtedly already have visited some of the sites, but after a long and dusty trip in interior Peru it may be a good idea to have a few days to spare in Lima. There are some great archeological museum in Lima, which should not be missed. During the Lima days hotel and dinner in Lima is not included. We have several hotel possibilities which we can book for you in a wide range of prices.

The Lima day trips run all year around. If you contact us in advance we shall coordinate the best program for you. We give you top service to reasonable prices.

Also check these trips. 

Half day trips.

Perfect tours if you are short of time, want to do other activities in Lima as well, or perhaps have a plane to catch and some time to kill. 

Full day tours.

Two day trips: 

  • Condor watching trips to Santa Eulalia Canyon - only 3 hours from Lima
    Daily condor watching trips. This is a short, inexpensive and time efficient alternative for those that had considered to go to Colca Canyon to see condors.
  • Junin Grebe twitch
    Main target: Junin Grebe and birds often missed in the Santa Eulalia Canyon.
  • Santa Eulalia valley and Marcopomacocha road
    It is preferred to do Santa Eulalia and the Marcapomacocha road as a two or three day trip with overnight in the Andes to save driving time. One may also add on the Junin Grebe twitch and make it a 3-4 day trip in total. 

View Pantanos de Villa and Parque Olivar in a larger map

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Andean Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis Pantanos de Villa, Lima, Perú  Photo: Gunnar EngblomEl OlivarPark and Pantanos de Villa. Short excursion - Morning or Afternoon.

This is a good introduction to the birds of LIma. Slow pace with time to look at the birds well.
El Olivar Park gives easy access to Croaking Ground-Dove, West Peruvian (Pacific) Dove, Amazilia Hummingbird, Vermillion Flycatcher, Shiny Cowbird, and feral populations of Saffron Finch, Blue-gray Tanager, Pacific Parrotlet, Red-masked, Canary-winged and Scarlet-fronted Parakeets. Nearby there is a nesting pair of Harris´s Hawk. Sometimes Peruvian Sheertail may be seen.
At Pantanos de Villa Great Grebe, Least Bittern, Many-colored Rush-Tyrant, Wren-like Rush-bird, Plumbeous Rail, Peruvian Thickknee and Peruvian Meadowlark are among the more sought birds. Other marshloving birds are White-cheeked Pintail, Cinnamon Teal, Little Blue Heron, Andean Duck, Grey-hooded Gull and in the lower grassy wet areas Grassland Yellow-Finch and Yellowish Pipit. At sea one may see Peruvian Pelican and Peruvian Boobies, some distant Inca Terns, as well as Band-tailed, Gray, Kelp and in the southern winter thousands of Franklin´s Gulls. The mudflats are good for visiting and resident waders Black-necked Stilt, Killdeer, both Yellowlegs, Least and Stilt Sandpipers and occasionally Short-billed Dowitcher.



Option: El Olivar Park and Pantanos de Villa Days: 1
Price: US$ 180 (Minimun 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)

Half day tour (5-6 hours). Given price per person valid with minimum 5 people. Includes transport and guiding from your hotel. Start 7 AM and you shall be back at your hotel around 1 PM. Ask us for price with less people.



Hi Gunnar. Just wanted to let you know that Carole and I had a great day with Alejandro at Pantanos de Villa and Olivar Park on Jan 22nd. Alejandro was an excellent guide and very friendly, professional. Pick-up and drop-off went smoothly. And Jorge also was helpful in arranging logistics.

We had around 60 species for the day, with 22 lifers. Thanks very much to you and Alejandro and the driver for a great day!
Mark Freeman and Carole Ludwig
Watkinsville, GA   USA

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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com