Kolibri Expeditions - Peru Birding Tours and Birdwatching Holidays Worldwide
Peru Tours

Complete Chile


Chile is extremely long. We will be covering enormous distances with the comfortable van with air-condition, heating, individual lamps over the seats, and the seats that fold back for resting. Group size is limited to six and the van is spacious so you should be able sleep some during the inevitable night drives. Two drivers will ensure that the long stretches will be covered efficiently. The roads are quite good in Chile. Apart from the special landbirds we will be doing two pelagic trip thus you will be awarded with both seabirds and tapaculos. We choose to stay as close to the parks as possible and will be using camping on a few of these occasions. English speaking guides with vast experience of Chilean birds.

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Day 1. People are arriving to Osorno during the day either mid-morning or late PM (flight around 160US$). If you arrive early you may rent a taxi to go up towards the Puyehue NP to search for Slender-billed Parakeet and Rufous-tailed Hawk. The people arriving from our Patagonia trip this day will also have been looking for these species along the way. Night in Hotel in Osorno.

Day 2. Morning in Puyehue NP again to search for Slender-billed Parakeet and Rufous-tailed Hawk, as well as Des Murs Wire-tail. Also occurring here is Magellanic Woodpecker. Drive to Nahuelbuta NP. Search for Rufous-legged Owl at night and the following dawn. Night at Refugio Nahuelbuta.


Day 3. At Nahuelbuta several special birds occur in the Auracaria and Nothofagus forest such as Des Murs´ Wiretail, Black-throated Huet-huet, Chucao, Ochre-flanked and Magellanic Tapaculos as well as the impressive Magellanic Woodpecker.

In the afternoon we will drive to Los Angeles. Night in hotel in Los Angeles. 


Day 4. Laja NP. Key species is Chestnut-throated Huet-Huet which was seen easily in January 2004. Spectacled Duck occurs in streams and Ochre-flanked Tapaculo and Great Shrike-Tyrant may also be found. When ready with the main targets (around midday) we will continue driving north arriving late to an area strategic for el Yeso NP. Night in hotel along road.


Day 5. Early start for el Yeso. Crag Chilia has been quite easy here. Other birds include White-sisded Hillstar, Chilean Flicker, Moustached Turca, Lesser Canastero, Rufous-banded Miner and Grey-flanked Cinclodes. We will make a try for Diademed Sandpiper Plover (DSP) here, but realizing that the best locality for this species is in Lauca NP in the North. In PM drive to nearby Río Clarillo, where Chilean Tinamou, White-throated and Dusky Tapaculos and Chilean Pigeon can be seen. Drive to San Antonio to spend the night. Night in San Antonio.


Day 6.  Birding near el Laguna el Peral and Tabo for Black-headed Duck, Rufous-tailed Plantcutter, White-throated and Dusky Tapaculo here as well and Dusly-tailed Canastero. We will search for Great Shrike-Tyrant near mouth of Aconcagua river. After making arrangements for a pelagic the following day we will finish the day off with some sea-birding at Punta Lilies.


Day 7. Pelagic boattrip from Valparaiso. PM Drive to La Campana and bird in late afternoon. La Campana National Park is a fantastic area for hiking and birding. Camp in the Park, searching for Rufous-legged Owl at night if we still need it.

Day 8. La
Campana National Park is a fantastic area for hiking and birding. Chilean Hawk, Crag Chilia, Des Murs Wiretail, White-throated Tapaculo, Moustached Turca will be the target-birds today. Night hotel in Los Andes.


Day 9. Most of the morning in Potrillo area looking for Greater Yellow-Finch and  Creamy-rumped Miner. In the afternoon we will head on a long night drive to Calama.  You may fly to Calama instead of going with the vehicle if you wish. Calculate a cost of around 300US$ to cover cost of transport to airport, air fare and hotel in Calama (the airfare only is 225$)

Day 10. Beyond San Pedro de Atacama we will visit the high altitude salines of Lagunas Miscanti and Laguna Meñique where Horned Coot is usually easily found. Also Puna, Andean and Chilean Famingoes. Night in hotel in San Pedro de Atacama.


Day 11. In the morning we will visit the scenic El Tatio geysers where the speciality Red-backed Sierra-Finch has been found. Other niice highland birds here include Puna Rhea and Puna Tinamou. In midmorning we head north for Arica with stop en route for Tamarugo Conebill. Hotel in Arica.


Day 12.

Arrive to Arica. All day looking for species Chilean Woodstar which sometimes can give trouble. Also Oasis Hummingbird, Peruvian Sheertail, Slender-billed Finch, Peruvian Martin and others. In the afternoon along the waterfront we will look for Chilean Seaside Cinclodes, Peruvian and Inca Terns. Night in Arica.


Day 13. AM a pelagic from Arica. Peruvian Diving-Petrel, Humboldt Penguin. In the afternoon we drive to Putre for an overnight stay. We will check out the canyons near Putre for White-throated Sierra-Finch. Hotel in Putre.

Day 14.  Entering Lauca National Park we will spend the whole days at altitudes above 4000m. Species we are looking for includes the mythical Diademed Sandpiper Plover, Puna Tinamou, Puna Miner, White-throated Sierra Finch, Puna Rhea and three species of Flamingoes. Back to
Arica for an overnight stay and farewell dinner.



Option: Complete Chile Days: 14
Price: US$ 3430 (Minimun 5 people).
Less than 5 people: (see pricing)

Airflightçs not included. Camping some nights. One night drive is essential. 2 Pelagics



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