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Safari Photo Video: Cloud forests


Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager Photo: Gunnar Engblom

After crossing the high Andes we will arrive to the eastern slope that faces the Amazon jungle. Before getting into it, we will be in a cloud forest that shows an impressive landscape taken from a “fairy tale".
Here lives a great variety of colorful endemic birds specialized to this habitat.
The first trip starts in Huanuco, when the famous Carpish tunnel (50 km. from Huanuco) is crossed, we will find a totally different landscape at the end of this path. Following the "Paty Trail” we find out strategic viewpoints that will let us take amazing bird pictures.
The second place is the forest of Unchog on the heights of Huanuco, following the path that goes down we will see a forest where the light changes according to the clouds elevation, it is a perfect site to find uncommon and rare species, it is a  natural habitat of six endemic species, including the rare Brownish Nephelornis oneilli., The spectacular Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager etc.
An archaeological remain is also located in one of the high mountains, from where we can see the immense jungle around us,  if we have enough time we will be able to go into it.

Climate .- Huanuco has an average temperature of 24 ° C, called by friends and visitors as the "City of the best climate in the world" or "City of Eternal Spring." In winter, July and August (21 ° C during the day and 17 ° C at night) and in the spring months of November and December (30 ° C in the day). In the highlands of Huanuco, near Unchog, the temperature drops sharply at night to -5 ° C.

Season: June-October

Duration: 5 days

Distance: Lima-Huanuco 410 km.  

Includes : The installation of camp and equipment transfers.

No Departures for this Tour

If the departure dates don't fit you, please suggest another date.

Día 1.- Por los senderos del Paty Trail

Viaje en avión hasta Huanuco. Visita al bosque de Carpish descendiendo por el sendero de “Paty Trail” y obteniendo imágenes del Flame-faced Tanager, Blue and Black Tanager, Silver back Tanager, Peruvian Wren, White-bellied Hummingbird, Gray breasted Mountain Toucan etc. Pernocte en Huanuco

Bay-vented Cotinga Unchog, Huanuco, Perú Photo; Gunnar EngblomDía 2.- En el Bosque Unchog

Segundo día de visita a Carpish. En la tarde nos dirigimos a las alturas de Huanuco (3,652 m) cerca al bosque de Unchog (instalamos campamento en una zona cercana al bosque).

Día 3.- Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager

Iniciamos un primera visita o caminata al bosque descendiendo por un camino y podremos observar y fotografiar al  Coppery Metaltail, Grass-green Tanager, Golden-backed Mountain-Tanager, Yellow scarfed Tanager, Pardusco, Band-tailed Fruiteater, Bay-vented Cotinga etc. Retorno al campamento.

Día 4.- Yellow-scarfed Tanager, Pardusco, Bay-vented Cotinga etc

Segundo día de fotografía de las especies en Unchog. Retorno a Huanuco

Día 5.- Retorno a Lima

Viaje a Lima.



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Telephone: +51-1- 652 76 89. From the US: 011-51-1- 652 76 89. Cell: 988 555 938 (Gunnar) or 999 007 886 (Elia Gallo) - Email: kolibriexp@gmail.com